New girl

Posted by spriglet On Saturday, 24 November 2012 10:00
Remember back in April when I said I wanted to do less talking, and more 'doing'? Well, since then I've done a lot of both. The talking, though, has been with great friends who have advised me, listened to me and generally inspired me (I know how cheesey that sounds, sorry) to get back on track. 

I've got mates who try to tell me that running is easy once you know how (jury is still out on that one but I will give it a go), ones who tell me not to compare myself to others - something that's all too easy in this industry - which is definitely worth listening to, and mates who have been there when I felt like just giving up on the dream. 

One such friend once said to me that life is a balance of three things; your home life, your personal life and your work life. Since that optimistic post earlier this year, it's fair to say then that my whole life has been turned upside down and shaken about like a little snow globe. 

In just the past three months, I have moved house (the most stressful move I have ever experienced; and that includes the one when my parents lost their house), I have got back into dating (and mostly failed, but still it's good to try), I have been to my first funeral to say a very sad goodbye to my wondeful nan, and I have left my job at Wahanda, where I've been the last four years. I feel pretty shaken up if truth be told (damn you anxiety) but it also feels like the dust - or glitter, gotta love a metaphor - is finally settling and it's time for a new start. 

As of next week I'll be working for a fabulously stylish new site called Get the Gloss, where I'll be production editor and, of course, the new girl. I haven't been the new girl since this time four years ago when I started at Wahanda, and it wasn't half as scary because I was an intern so I couldn't massively break anything or be rubbish because I was just there to learn. But learn I did, and now it's time to take everything I've absorbed and go and use it over at GTG to help build an amazing resource for expert beauty. And I can't wait.

So, since that little post seven months ago, I've taken Emma's advice and made things happen to make myself happy. I finally live by a tube so I don't curse Southeastern Trains on a daily basis, I have (almost) got over my nerves when it comes to dating, and I've taken my next step on the career ladder towards being what I want to be. I think that's quite enough for 2012...

1 Response to " New girl "

  1. So proud of you making this move. 2013 is all about the exciting new adventures!


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