Nailing the textured look

Posted by spriglet On Friday, 23 November 2012 16:43
Yesterday I spotted Jane (British Beauty Blogger) tweeting about a new 'leather' nail polish and, given my slight addiction to nail news, was planning on getting my mitts on some pretty quick and blogging about them. 

But it seems leather isn't the only new texture to get excited about - we've had crackle, we've had velvet, we've had caviar, and now the textured trend is continuing with some even more wearable and fun looks. Here's what's coming up this December...


The leather look I mentioned is by Nails Inc, and I have to say I can't wait to give it a go despite preferring that super-gloss feeling that you usually get from painting your nails (especially with gel effect manicures... I can't get enough of them). 

Check out Jane's post complete with photos here - I'll be looking out for this one next month!

Image from Illamasqua

This shouldn't work on paper, but I can't wait to try it - Illamasqua have launched a range of Rubber Brights, which are exactly as they sound; gorgeous bright polishes with a rubber finish. I imagine that means they'll attract dust and goodness knows what else no end, but we have to suffer for our beauty right? 

Apparently they're inspired by the rubber boot girls of Berlin in the 1920s... now Mr Ashman my history teacher certainly didn't tell us about these but a bit of Googling told me these are ladies of the night (cough) who wore colour coded boots based on their specialities. Interesting source of inspiration! These are available from December. 


Yes, because who doesn't want their nails to resemble the pavement? I'm not so sure about this one. Nails Inc (again) have been busy and created a concrete-effect polish with a 'rugged, concrete finish'. 

Having had dry nails since the dawning of time and forever catching little 'catches' on my nails on various things, I'm not convinced this will feel nice unless it's a very very smooth concrete. I like the look of the bold shades though so we'll see. Also available from December. 

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